How to Get All Your Web Pages Included in Google.
June 12, 2005Google just unveiled a new and improved method for get web pages indexed in their search engine. They call it Google Sitemaps. Google Sitemaps allows webmasters the ability to submit all the web pages of your web site directly to Google to be indexed into their search engine.
Google is doing this because they want to be able to index more information in order to offer better search results. However, their current methods are limited as it’s difficult for their system to find every web page available. Therefore, it makes sense for them to come up with a way for webmasters to be able to upload the information directly into their system. This will keep their search results more comprehensive and fresh.
Use of the new method is free, however inclusion is not guaranteed. However, this is certainly a great way of getting Google to at least take notice of all the web pages your web site has to offer. We intend to use it with all the web sites we own and operate, including Advantage Creations!
Google requires a “feed” in “xml” format, which is basically a listing of web pages in a specialized code that enables the web pages to be directly imported into their system. We have already learned how to do this and have uploaded a feed for our web site. We included each individual product page in the feed. The submission appears to have been successful. We intend to do the same with our and web sites, each having around 400 products. We believe this to be a tremendous opportunity to increase traffic for our web sites through Google by giving each individual product page the best opportunity for being included in Google’s search results.
We plan to offer the service of submitting Google Sitemap feeds to our clients for as little as $25. This would include gathering the list of web pages, creating the special-coded page and submission to the Google Sitemaps system. Please contact us if interested.